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Innovative Approaches to Literacy with Google for Education - Elementary Edition - Part 2
Innovative Approaches to Literacy with Google for Education - Elementary Edition- Part 2
Introduction from Shannon (1:46)
Literacy & Google Forms
Creating a 1:1 conference log (1:50)
Using a Form during a conference (0:36)
Asynchronous Read Aloud (1:32)
Student created Form (2:04)
Using Conditional Formatting in a Google Sheet to view Form data (2:45)
Literacy & Google Keep
Navigating Google Keep & literacy (4:51)
Google Keep extension & literacy (1:57)
Literacy & Google Sites
Creating a Google Site (1:19)
Setting up your Google Site (3:04)
Inserting student work (4:18)
Test your knowledge
Final Quiz
Final Quiz
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