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Teaching Computer Science in the Elementary Classroom
Welcome to Teaching Computer Science in The Elementary Classroom!
Course Introduction (1:03)
Introduction to Computer Science
"The What" of Computer Science (4:23)
"The Why" of Computer Science (3:26)
Computational Thinking Self-Assessment [Skills & Attitudes] (0:30)
Computer Programming in the ELA Classroom
Computer Science in the ELA Classroom (11:16)
Dive into Coding with Scratch / Scratch Jr. Storytelling (1:20)
Computer Programming in the Math Classroom
Computer Programming in the Math Classroom (5:58)
Dive into Coding with - Frozen (0:23)
Computer Programming in the Science & Social Studies Classroom
Computer Science in the Science & Social Studies Classroom (4:14)
Dive into Coding with Kodable - Beach Clean-up (0:27)
The Hour of Code
Teaching Computer Science with the Hour of Code (0:57)
Check for Understanding - Course Certificate Assessment
Check for Understanding - Course Certificate Assessment
"The What" of Computer Science
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