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Digital Choice Boards Learning Menus
Digital Choice Boards Learning Menus
Introduction (0:52)
What are Digital Choice Boards?
What are Digital Choice Boards? (1:25)
Student Choice = Student Voice
Student Choice = Student Voice (0:32)
Why do teachers use Digital Choice Boards?
Why do teachers use Digital Choice Boards? (1:04)
How to Create a Digital Choice Board
Digital Choice Board Examples (23:40)
Planning a Choice Board Activity (4:21)
Decide on a Layout (5:11)
Create a Choice Board Template (6:22)
How to Create a Choice Board with Google Slides (13:27)
Creating Digital Choice Boards Quiz
Digital Choice Board Resources
Digital Choice Board Resources (1:48)
Extend the Learning
Extend the Learning
Extend the Learning Activity (2:24)
Wrap Up
Wrap up (1:35)
Final Quiz
Final Quiz
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